Snow Gala 2019

LA Council hosted the Snow Gala at the Almansor Court in Alhambra last November.   The theme was a 60's sock hop, and we had almost 50 people attend.  We missed those that did not attend, but for everyone who did, it was a great evening.  There was lots of dancing for the evening as our DJ did a great job of 60's and 70's wonderful dance music.  Since costumes were required, it was fun to see the poodle skirts, ponytails, pegged jeans, black leather jackets, and guys with slicked back hair or the ever popular Elvis waterfall, and to see everybody get into the groove of the party.  We had lots of prizes, a dance contest, and last, but not least, we presented the clubs' Men and Women of the Year candidates.  Before the evening broke up, the winners were announced:  Pete Smith (Wailers) and Soo Lee (The Unrecables) as the LA Council Man and Woman of the Year. 
Congratulations Pete and Soo!

 They will be attending the FWSA Convention in San Diego in October, 2021, to compete in the Man and Woman of the Year competition at the FWSA level.  So, we are looking forward to this competition at the Convention next year in San Diego.